Enlarged Prostate Gland ka Ilaj, Symptoms & Treatment
Enlarged Prostate Gland ka Ilaj Symptoms & Treatment
Prostate enlargement, this is a disease of men. which is growing very fast nowadays. and about which men are very worried and confused. whether it is not a bladder disease or it is due to sugar or we have a prostate issue.
In This Blog, we will also tell you what is the best and best treatment for prostate in herbal. Which are the resins that are causing the prostate enlargement on top of you and which are the remedies that can cure the prostate enlargement not temporarily but permanently.
And the third thing is that if you do not want to use any medicine and want to cure yourself without the help of any allopathic or herbal medicine, then which food should you take.
If you Read this Article, you will understand 100 percent what prostate glands are. So that thousands of people who are prostate patients. are worried. and looking for a cure. They can prevent surgery and prostate cancer.

Friends, first of all, let me tell you that there are prostate glands They are only found in men. we have a urinary tract called the urethra. In addition to urinating, when we have sex, semen is also excreted when the seminal canal is attached to the urethra. Above it is a walnut-shaped gland that surrounds the seminal duct and the urethra. This is called prostate. for this it is only a disease of men. and as men age. By the way, when faced with this disease, what is the function of the prostate gland? It contains the liquid and there are sperms. the sperm's up everyone knows that they make the testicles and the liquid that is That's why these are very important glands that if there is an issue in them, along with the urinary tract or obstruction in urine, as well as semen can be obstructed. As we age, certain things start to happen to us. Some things are going down. One of them is that the prostate gland begins to grow. When the prostate gland begins to grow then pressure begins to be exerted on the urinary tract. The pressure on it starts the ego and that is where all the problems start. the process of growth of the prostate gland.
In medical terms, it is called BPH. This is benign prostatic hypertrophy.
BPH Symptoms In Men.
- · Waking up to barbecue at night.
- · Drops keep falling even after urinating.
- · Time to urinate Urination does not come quickly or stops.
- · Thinning or thickening of the urine
- · Pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen
· On getting urine urge to go fast and not being able to control it and sometimes urine comes out in clothes.
That is why if a patient is having urination five to six times and if his age is more than 40 years. So he must pay attention to his symptoms whether his prostate enlargement is happening or not. Because the risk of prostate gland enlargement increases after 40 years.
Now we know which are the important tests to be done. To confirm whether it is a prostate infection, there is no other problem related to the bladder. Either there is no stone issue or there is some defect due to which it is happening. This is the first and most important test He's Which tells us with great clarity that the size of your prostate is normal or it is growing more than required.
There is another test. This is known as PSA. If someone has a problem with the prostate and despite treatment, his prostate is not decreasing, his symptom is not decreasing, then he should get this mandatory test again. These are the two basic tests, if you get them done, the idea of prostate enlargement to a great extent.
So people who have had the idea of the prostate that I have the prostate glands that is my He is growing and if they want to cure it at home without any medicine, then they must do two or three things. First of all, you should use more tomatoes in your food or as many red vegetables as possible. as much as the fruit It is necessary to use them as lubricants it's a tomato it's a carrot watermelon and as many red-colored vegetables as there are Avoid dairy products as much as possible. If you keep away from them, I believe you will make a lot of difference in this way too.
Herbal Treatment For enlarged prostate :
There is no better treatment than herbal treatment to normalize the size of the prostate gland. Other medications can provide temporary relief. But it can not be completely corrected and when a man leaves such a medicine, some side effects are also seen on the body, which can be male weakness and small size. So it is better if you can also get rid of this type of problem completely from the prostate. And for this, there is nothing more than natural herbs that do not have any kind of side effect.
From the same natural herbs we have developed a prostate powder that will not only reduce the prostate gland of the large way up Apart from this, it also removes the weakness of the stomach. And it'll save your life It also has a side effect.