Likoria Ka Ilaj In Urdu:
Likoria is mostly found in young girls and women and it’s a dangerous disease and it makes women hollow from inside. The woman who is suffering from likoria starts viganal discharge with whitish and yellowish liquid or green liquid water from her vigina. But if these liquid discharges in high amounts and don’t do Likoria ka ilaj early time it’s very dangerous for her because it makes the spinal card very weak for women. Physical and nervous weakness also start down.
Likoria are two types and likoria symptoms in each woman are different. But some women have more than one reason. White and yellow and bad smell liquid discharge from opening and pain in spinal card, feeling weight in beneath in stomach, lazeness, itching inside opening of woman organ, constipation, headache again and again, black spot beneath eye area, not increasing in weight all are the symptoms.
Herbal Likoria Course (Leucorrhoea):
Women using different medicine and remedies in order to get rid of likoria. And most of the medicines in them are not giving benefits but instead it’s harmful for you. Alway do treatment from recommended doctors or hakeem. Herbal treatments are very effective for the treatment of woman disease like likoria.
Likoria ka Desi Ilaj ki Dawa:
Our albarni likoria course or likoria ki dawa is made from the combination of different herbal compounds. Which are completely from any side effects. By using this course continuously you can get rid of likoria completely. For complete recovery, do this two months course. This is a unique formula which completely disappears the bad smell, acidic likoria from the roots. Beside this it completely disappears from the spot beneath eyes, not increasing weight within a few days and it’s also helpful in monthly cycle disorder, low proportion in blood make it completely recover.
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